Profesjonalne usługi BHP dla Twojej firmy

Oferujemy kompleksową obsługę BHP dla firm w całym kraju.

Wsparcie w zakresie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy.

Szkolenia BHP dostosowane do Twoich potrzeb.

Doradztwo BHP dla różnych branż i sektorów.

A vibrant red card with the word 'HEALTH' prominently displayed in black text, accompanied by smaller text indicating the number 09 (77) and phrases such as '77 HUMAN NEEDS' and '(physical)' at the top. The background consists of intersecting areas of blue and gray-green color.
A vibrant red card with the word 'HEALTH' prominently displayed in black text, accompanied by smaller text indicating the number 09 (77) and phrases such as '77 HUMAN NEEDS' and '(physical)' at the top. The background consists of intersecting areas of blue and gray-green color.
black blue and yellow textile

Szkolimy, doradzamy, pomagamy w zakresie BHP

Prowadzimy szkolenia wstępne i okresowe

Sporządzamy dokumentację, prowadzimy audyty, doradzamy

w sprawie utrzymania bezpieczeństwa w zakładzie pracy, pomagamy

w wypełnianiu nakazów i wystąpień pokontrolnych

Profesjonalne usługi BHP dla firm

Jesteśmy firmą z Białegostoku, oferującą kompleksowe usługi BHP dla przedsiębiorstw w całym kraju. Nasza misja to zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa w miejscu pracy.

Two workers wearing orange safety suits and yellow helmets are on the road. One is holding a broom and appears to be sweeping, while the other holds a wand or baton. They both wear green reflective vests. There are vehicles and green foliage in the background.
Two workers wearing orange safety suits and yellow helmets are on the road. One is holding a broom and appears to be sweeping, while the other holds a wand or baton. They both wear green reflective vests. There are vehicles and green foliage in the background.
Nasza misja
Nasza wizja

Dzięki doświadczeniu i wiedzy, wspieramy firmy w przestrzeganiu przepisów BHP, oferując indywidualne podejście i profesjonalne doradztwo. Z nami Twoja firma będzie bezpieczna.

Usługi BHP

Oferujemy kompleksowe usługi BHP dla firm w całym kraju z siedzibą w Białymstoku.

Szkolenia BHP
A sign with three sections uses simple line drawings to convey health safety measures. The first section shows two figures standing 1 meter apart, indicating social distancing. The second section features a face with a medical mask, and the third shows a hand catching a droplet, suggesting hygiene practices.
A sign with three sections uses simple line drawings to convey health safety measures. The first section shows two figures standing 1 meter apart, indicating social distancing. The second section features a face with a medical mask, and the third shows a hand catching a droplet, suggesting hygiene practices.

Profesjonalne szkolenia BHP dla pracowników i kadry zarządzającej w Twojej firmie.

A prominently displayed safety instruction sign at a secure area entry point. It lists various rules including: port safety induction required, flashing beacon and headlights on, children not permitted, speed limit of 20km/h, no public entry, extreme caution with heavy machinery, no handheld devices, drug and alcohol-free site, specific clothing and footwear requirements, and no bicycles. Additionally, it warns of hazardous substances present, such as oxidizing and flammable agents, toxic and corrosive materials, with emergency contact information provided.
A prominently displayed safety instruction sign at a secure area entry point. It lists various rules including: port safety induction required, flashing beacon and headlights on, children not permitted, speed limit of 20km/h, no public entry, extreme caution with heavy machinery, no handheld devices, drug and alcohol-free site, specific clothing and footwear requirements, and no bicycles. Additionally, it warns of hazardous substances present, such as oxidizing and flammable agents, toxic and corrosive materials, with emergency contact information provided.
Audyty BHP

Przeprowadzamy audyty BHP, aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo w Twoim miejscu pracy.

Doradztwo BHP

Eksperckie doradztwo BHP dla firm w celu poprawy standardów bezpieczeństwa.

Usługi BHP od firmy Tech-Factor to profesjonalizm i rzetelność. Dzięki nim nasza firma zyskała pewność w zakresie bezpieczeństwa pracy. Zdecydowanie polecamy!

A person wearing a hard hat and a yellow safety vest walks past a building interior with stone architectural details. There are two open doorways with potted plants beside them, and a checkered black-and-white floor can be seen inside. One doorway leads to what appears to be a lobby or guest services area.
A person wearing a hard hat and a yellow safety vest walks past a building interior with stone architectural details. There are two open doorways with potted plants beside them, and a checkered black-and-white floor can be seen inside. One doorway leads to what appears to be a lobby or guest services area.




Bardzo rzetelna firma i profesjonalne podejście do zadań.



Obsługujemy firmy w całym kraju, zapewniając kompleksowe usługi BHP. Nasze biuro znajduje się w Białymstoku. Obsługujemy firmy w ich siedzibach. Zapraszamy do kontaktu. tel. 606 633 600


ul. Wyszyńskiego 2 lok.21


Pon-Pt 8-16